
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The strange case of [slime] Robert Garwood

From thisainthell

Most of the Vietnam veterans among you recognize the name of Robert Garwood as the Marine who defected to the Viet Cong in the closing days of his tour of Vietnam and eventually returned home in 1979 to a court martial that ended exceedingly well for Garwood what with him being a turncoat traitor and all.

Well, beretverde sends us a link to an encounter that he had with a neighbor. Of course, he claims he was Special Forces and Force Recon in Vietnam, as if no one has ever heard of him.

It’s a fairly long read that I won’t summarize here, but if you’ve ever wondered whether he was an innocent victim of circumstances, this strange article should disabuse you of that notion.

[He ranks higher than Jane Fonda and John Kerry. Here’s a slimy post about this slime. - JS]

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