
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Gaddafi Ducking – Cartoon

from hopenchangecartoons:

Despite being legally compelled by the War Powers Act to justify his one-man war against Libya to Congress, Barack "Mr. Transparency" Obama has essentially told our nation's representatives that they can piss up a rope...and adds that he has nothing to explain because there is no war in Libya.


Well, we can certainly see where John Boehner and a huge majority of others (Republicans and Democrats) in Congress could get confused, what with American bombs and missiles blowing the living crap out of Tripoli, and bloody chunks of Libyan soldiers and civilians flying around in highly kinetic ways. But Mr. Obama's lawyers explain that it isn't really war because the other side is "unable to exchange meaningful fire with American forces."

In other words, an American president can rain down death and destruction on any country he wants, for as long as he wants, with no explanation to Congress - as long as he doesn't give the other side a really good chance to shoot back.

Using the president's convoluted logic, we suppose that Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor wasn't really war either. It was more of a surprise party with lots of casualties! Whee! And the Holocaust was no big deal either, because those starving Jews certainly couldn't put up a credible fight while being marched to the ovens. So no harm - no foul, right?

Wrong. America's military is not a toy to be wielded unilaterally and unaccountably by an inexperienced and ineffectual president for purely political purposes, as is certainly the case here. And matters of life, death, and our national honor are too important for semantic games played by the president and his legal team.

Barack Obama's contempt for Congress and the War Powers Act are beyond unacceptable. It's time that a serious case was made for impeachment and removal from office.

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