
Saturday, February 5, 2011

The weekend has gone to the dogs not the Packers/Steelers

From One Marine’s View

The weekend has gone to the dogs not the Packers/Steelers. However, one way we can bring them in is supporting a great organization that helps wounded warriors see again and make it through another day with the help of a friend, a four legged friend.  Paws for Patriots is program began with a commitment to provide guide dogs to service men and women who lost their sight as a result of combat injuries.

What it means

To a warrior that is disabled it means the world. I have had a lot of interaction with dogs and their Marine handlers in combat. One dog I know was a major contributor to a Marine that pulled through his wounds (quadruple amputee) from Afghanistan after his dog was returned to him and brought the extra bond that only our four legged friends can do.

The bond continues

Southeastern Guide Dogs mission is to create and nurture a partnership between a visually impaired individual and a guide dog, facilitating life's journey with mobility, independence and dignity. If you are a blinded veteran interested in learning more about how you may obtain a guide dog from Southeastern Guide Dogs, please click here.

The guide dog and the training are offered completely free of charge. After graduation, the maintenance of the guide dog becomes the responsibility of the graduate.

Check out their site and Support them here

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